Monday, August 17, 2009

Dues setmanes d'obres!

Ja fa dues setmanes que tenim les claus de la casa i ja hem començat a destruir tot el que ens trobem per davant! Els sostres ja han marxat, els terres també, radiadors, el aïllant de les parets, bé millor mireu les fotos!

Entre destrucció i destrucció el Kenneth es va trobar un gripau entre les parets del soterrani! Ara el tenim com a mascota! En la casa vam trobar un pot prou gran i li hem fet un llaguet i una illeta! A la illeta s'ha fet una cova! És super chula però encara no tenim nom... Per wikipedia m'he entrat que com no fa "croak" vol dir que és una femella i pot créixer fins 18 cm i menjar-se ratolins i ocellets! No sé si viurà tant per això, bé de moment sobreviu!

A part de destruir també hem comprat eines de destrucció ;) I ens hem fet amb un microones i unes estanteries d'un amic que ha marxat de Copenhage. La de DTU també ha fet un parell de donacions, ens han donat una nevera, taules i cadires. Evidentment després d'aquesta donació vam haver d'anar ha comprar una barbacoa! Tranquils que ja l'hem estrenada. La vam estrenar amb ma germana que va estar de visita amb un amic de Madrid, Javi. No tinc cap foto però espero que ma germana me les passi.

Ja aniré posant més fotos i noticies de com va fent la gripau!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dues setmanes d'obres

Bé aquí ja veieu que el jardí comença a ser és amigable! I també un gripau que tenim de mascota. També hem feta una habitació d'eines i descans (aquí aniran dos dormitoris).
HI ha unes quantes fotos del soterrani sense terra i parets (que eren de fusta).
Coma extra unes fotos del extractor que estava fastigós!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Una setmana d'obres

Començament de les obres! Podeu veure com el Jardí estava abandonat, casi no es podia caminar de lo llargues que era la gespa.
La pared gris amb una mica de blau és l'habitació del fons i les parts negres són fongs.. Han sortit per culpa de humitats però ja està solucionat.
També hi ha un parell de fotos del soterrani i de un dels menjadors.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ens modem!

Ara que començaré el doctorat i em queden tres anyets més aquí, ens em buscat un lloc per viure una mica mes gran! Bé no una mica molt! Passem d'estar en 60 metres quadrats a 221! Quin canvie eh? i també tindrem gardinet privat! Bé tot això serà mes endavant perquè de moment em de restaurar la casa abans de poder entrar a viure. S'ha de fer casi tot de nou. Hi ha humitats a les parets perquè la teulada esta malament així que s'ha d'arreglar i secar les parets abans de poder pintar-les, la cuina feia por i el bany es més gran que l'habitació on dormo ara! Encara no tenim data segura de quan ens canviem però ens fan fora del pis on estem ara a principis de novembre així que espero que per aleshores ja tinguem alguna part habitable!

Bé aquí teniu un vídeo d'un tur ràpid per la casa. També hi ha alguna que altra foto en àlbums.

PhD description

PhD scholarship in Intelligent control of home appliances via network

A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering from October 1, 2009.

Project goal
The aim of the project is to research in generic structures for control and management in a network-oriented service structure in the domestic network. Although there are many initiatives to provide network access to many different devices at home (from the computer and broadcasting equipment for sockets and thermostats based on zigbee, z-wave, wifi, plc, etc.) there is no common platform for integration and management of these devices in a user-friendly form. Especially in the management of electricity consumption, it is important to have a system that is reliable and easy to use to ensure system effectiveness on a larger scale. To obtain the effect of intelligent and dynamic power consumption, it is necessary that the system is being used on a large scale, as savings for the individual user are unlikely to motivate, especially if the system is somewhat complex to use.

The proposed method for building a generic control structure is an open platform which allows for the use of a "service aggregator," and a "software configuration manager” that are either controlled by the end user or remotely by a service that one can subscribe to.

To understand the requirement of the various subsystems, the project will continuously monitor the development of more specific sub-systems that "only" cover parts of the home units (and therefore does not have a generic structure). This applies, for example, to “smart energy initiative" to ensure stable electricity supply.

Candidates should have a master's degree in engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master's degree in engineering.

Approval and Enrolment
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.

Salary and appointment terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.

The application must be received no later than 15 July 2009. Please open the link “apply for this job online” and fill in the application form and attach your application, CV and information about academic grades.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Carta de motivació

My name is Ana Rosselló. I am 25 years old and I come from Barcelona, Spain. I have studied Telecommunications Engineering in Universitat Politècnica de Calatunya (UPC). I came to Danmarks Tekniske Universitet to do the Telecommunications Summer School in 2007. I really enjoyed my stay at DTU and I decided to do the Master in Telecommunications with specialization on Signals and Transmission Technology. During my studies at DTU I took a subject called Design and Synthesis of Embedded Systems, coordinated by Jan Madsen. In this subject we designed a Distributed Energy-based Routing Algorithm with Deterministic Clustering for wireless sensor networks, which arose my interest in sensor networks.

At the moment I am doing my master project under the supervision of Lars Dittman and in collaboration with Zen-Sys Company. The title of my project is Modelling of Wireless Sensor Network Routing Protocol for Home Automation and it is based on implementing Z-Wave protocol in OPNET. I am also going to make some suggestions for improvements and try to test them in the OPNET implementation.

I decided to choose this topic as I think home automation is a growing sector and I would like to focus my career on it. Nowadays sensors can be found in almost any electronic device, in our cameras, thermostats, computers, even in our cars. Sensors are becoming a very important component of our electronic devices. It is easy to imagine that, in the near future, all houses will include some sort of sensors to turn on and off the light, radiators, and other electronic devices. However sensor technology for home environment is still emerging and there are lots of questions unanswered. It is clear that research is need in this wireless home technology called home automation. However, home automation is more than that, home automation is a user friendly, secure and reliable way of controlling, not only sensors, but also to control multi-media home entertainment systems and all the other electronic devices found in our homes.

During this PhD I would like to study what researches have been doing in this area and what possibilities does home automation offer to the end user. I would like to discuss the different protocols that have been proposed for home automation and what could be the scope of this technology.

A home automation network will probably consists of different types of devices with different requirements. For instance, some devices like smoke alarms may run on batteries, which means that the use of these nodes as repeaters should be avoided. On the other hand multi-media home entertainment devices are usually connected to power supply and require high bit rate communications. Due to the fact of the different requirements of these devices and the different functionalities of home automation more than one protocol is probably needed. However, during
this PhD I would like to study the possibility of integrating these different protocols under a common platform to make management of these devices more user-friendly.

In this 3-year period I would like to have a closer look of how to solve the problems that home automation presents, as security, reliability, protocols compatibility, and a user friendly solution.
Furthermore, I would like to approach the study of these intelligent home networks by modelling them with OPNET and obtaining results which I can then analyze and compare with other protocols. I would also like to be able to make some set-ups with few nodes to try the different protocols and analyze how they behave.

I am really interested in doing this Ph.D. as I would like to learn more about home automation technology and make my own research on the area. I have decided to stay at DTU as my master experience in this university has been a really fulfilling experience and I would like to continue my career here. I also think that Denmark is a country which invests in technology and research which is a very attractive aspect. Furthermore, I have liked living in Kobenhavn and at the moment I am attending Danish classes.

To conclude I would like to add that I look forward to beginning this PhD and work at DTU. I know that a Ph.D. is a big challenge, but I am willing to work hard and commit myself completely to it.


Ja tinc feina per els pròxim3 anys!! Desgraciadament no és a Barna. M'han donat un doctorat a la DTU (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet ) El doctorat és sobre protocols per a xarxes de sensors aplicades a l'allar, en altres paraules Home Automation Protocols. La veritat és que estic molt contenta perquè el tema m'agrada molt i estic segura que tindrà futur. Ja em veig dintre d'uns anyets instal·lant-lo a la cas nova! El coordinador del doctorat també ma dit que la DTU té intenció de construir una casa ecològica, on cada departament applicarà alguna cosa per estalviar energia, i el nostre departament instal·larà una xarxa de sensors! El problema és que no sé si ho tindran acabat abans de que jo acabi el doctorat!

Tema paga està prou bé però aquí els impostos són d'un 39% :( De totes maneres la situació està millor que a Espanya! La paga és més alta i aquí el doctorat està considerat com una feina i no una beca. A més d'això tinc uns diners anuals per anar a conferències! és a dir que em paguen viatges a qualsevol lloc on hi hagi conferencia. Clar que si no els gasto tots no me'ls donen en mà, això si que estaria bé! I l'ultima cosa que mola és que durant aquest tres anys me'n puc anar d'intercanvi a qualsevol universitat que vulgui amb gastos pagats! Bé encara m'haig d'informar més del tema!

Bé pels que vulgueu saber que faré més en detall he penjat un article amb la proposta que van publicar i un altre amb la meva carta de motivació.

I per acabar aquí us deixo amb la carta d'admissió pel doctorat! Jo m'envaig a acabar el projecte del màster que si no encara em quedaré sense ser doctora!

From Doctorat

From Doctorat